Sonntag, 19. Mai 2013

Great Day in Seoul

One of the best things, as I was in Korea, was that Me and 가영 finally met up with 문수 after a long time. A/N He's living in Germany too, but we never had the time to we met in the capital city of South-Korea - Seoul. Hahaha we had a lot of fun, when we made a short sightseeing trip. The weather was really bad, it was hot and it was raining a lot...and too humid for me @_@

I hope you like the pictures. Even when it's just a really small post via my iPad. Also I'm really sorry for the bad quality of the following pictures. @-@

P.S. I was taller than both of my friends xD I never recognized it...OMG...strike!! XD ㅋㅋㅋㅋ and myhair was so fugly at that time ㅠㅠ Please don't mind my shitty appearance.....

2 Kommentare:

  1. I love those pics :) your blond hair is standing out so much XD

    You guys really need to learn a different pose on your pictures - always showing that peace-sign :D

    How is your laptop btw :o

    1. Thank you! xD I wish I had another haircolor at that time.

      I know that.. we made a bunch of pictures, but the ones with the peace-sign were always better as the other ones ;P

      still not working.. and the insurance office hasn't contacted me at all....I'm about to die without it and without photoshop.. T_T
