Good that I can use the laptop of my dad, to blog at the moment. I would be restless, when I couldn't update my "lovely" blog, after I put so much effort in writing my previous posts.
So here are my favorite songs at the moment. I love to listen to them in my car, when I drive. Or just dance along in my apartment to them. Have fun listening to them. ^___^
Super Junior - Sexy Free & Single
I love this song! I really like it. The style they have and the high quality the video was made. SO WOW! And I love the topless-ness of Leeteuk *hahaha*. I'm a huge fan of him, not just because he is the leader or he has a pretty face. I like his style and his personality he shows in the TV shows. (I know I know... it's more acting, but have you seen this old video of him trying to park a car in the parking lot? Kangin and I think it was Sungmin were also in that car and they had a hard time dealing with the non-existent experience of Leeteuk. I clearly remember how Sungmin was always saying "I don't want to die, I don't want to die." hahahahahaha It was hilarious!!!)
Shinee - Why So Serious
Even though Jonghyun is not in this video I like that song so much. It's always in my head, when I'm outside, or at work.. Haha.. Why soooo seriouuus~ *sings* I like the style from all 4 of them. But Taemin will be my favourite! I don't know, but his style in the video and the hair *-* ...Y R U SO FU***** PERFECT?! I think I will have a heartattack, when he will be this perfect in every upcoming video.. -_-
4Minute - What's Your Name
Everytime I watch this video, or listen to the song I feel good. It's the perfect song to dance to. I mean.. I can't dance like them.. or more I don't look so sexy like Hyuna (Like HELL! Who can be sexier than her?!). I remember that a friend of me was in the same school as one of them... I think it was the dark haired one (who I can't remember the name of -_- Moreover I'm not good in remembering names at all.. Shame on me..) That video is definitely one of my favourites and it has to be here.
Ubeat - Should Have Treated You Better
That the first subunit of U-Kiss can take me under their spell like that..I never thought it would be THIS awesome. I love, that it's more of a slow song.
TARA N4 - Jeon Won Diary
A very colourful video, I like TARA also..but I had to listen to the song about 3 or 4 times till I liked it. Now it's on repeat on my iPod since 2 days.. @_@ BTW somebody knows who the boy is who has done the short rap part?
I hope you like the videos, or I could show you videos you didn't even know.
Have fun listen to it and have a great start of the week! ^__^
I love Tara N4 and the new song from Shinee aswell, can't stop listening to them :)
AntwortenLöschenI like Super Junior a lot too, but that song isnt really one of my favourites :) I love Mr Simple, A-Cha and Bonamana
K-Pop ftw! :D
They aren't my favourites at the moment for nothing! ;D *hihihi*
LöschenYeah I like these songs too, but this video is almost perfect (I mean.. every Super Junior video is perfect..)....>.<
<3 XD
We fail, we lose, to win! ♥
AntwortenLöschenHaha. Gute Auswahl :D
Ooohja ich vergebe nur herzen bei den songs xD <3 danke :3
LöschenBtw I found out who is doing the boy rap @ Tara N4... He is a member of a boyband called SPEED, his name is Taewoon
AntwortenLöschenOMG OMG DANKE *_* ich bin so schlecht im rausfinden xD u made my day (evening) !*_* <3